Download Gizmo Daemon 3.2

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Gizmo Daemon is a very useful application for the Linux platform. With this program you can define exactly what should happen when one of the keys on your keyboard, mouse, joystick or remote control is pressed. In addition, it can filter double keystrokes, impersonate devices and show system events on a device’s screen. For more information about the different options, we refer you to this page. The developers have kicked 3.2 out with the following announcement:

This is largely a maintenance release, and is in response to some issues that have been discovered by the Ubuntu MOTU team when trying to produce and official package for Gutsy. As a result of this comes some 64-bit fixes and configure script updates.

Along with these minor changes I’ve also revamped the script API yet again. It’s even more Pythonic, and it’s now much easier to create custom device / application scripts. There are some base classes that scripts can inherit from to gain desired functionality. For example if a device script needs a particular application to be focused it can simply inherit the “GizmoScriptActiveApplication” class and that functionality is automatically included.

Also, you can now send keyboard events (with modifiers) in a single line. Ie, to send a CTRL-ALT-TAB: Device.createEvent(GizmoEventType.EV_KEY, GizmoKey.KEY_TAB, [GizmoKey.KEY_LEFTCTRL, GizmoKey.KEY_LEFTALT]).

And, as usual, there are a few bug fixes as well. This is definitely the most stable release of Gizmod yet!

Thanks go out to everyone for this release, but I’d like to send out shouts to Pricey from Ubuntu for his hard work in helping getting official Ubuntu packages for Gizmod.

Version 3.2:

  • Updated the Python API so that scripts can just inherit a desirable base class, and gain required functionality ie, inherit from GizmoScriptApplicationRunning if the device application mapping should be used when a specific app has foreground focus
  • Fix potential crash bugs in network object deserialization code.
  • Fix potential infinite loop in X11FocusWatcher on shutdown
  • Add 64 bit patch from ubuntu package team
  • Add setInputFocus method for raising windows by window title from the Python scripts
  • Add copyright disclaimers to all of the scripts as per ubuntu package maintainer requests

Version 3.1:

  • Add new Visualization API
  • Add keyboard LED visualizations
  • Add keyboard LED command line switch (–keyboard-leds)
  • Fix segfault when shutting down gizmod, and clients are connected and sending messages
  • Add HUP script reloading (mostly works, but needs more upstream support from boost.python for Py_Finalize)
  • Remote control mode (–remote-control)
  • Fix the configure script so that it doesn’t need slocate!
  • PowerMate LED events only get send across USB bus if absolutely necessary

Version 3.0:

  • Rebuilt from the ground up
  • Primary focus on version 3 was to make the configuration scripts much more manageable, and easy to understand
  • Amarok support for visualizing music on the PowerMate USB Dial
  • A number of fixes for remote users. A new “stray button” detection scheme means that remote over-sensitivity is pretty much a thing of the past
  • Also making a reappearance is client / server support! This time, done properly. Any and all events can be transmitted over a network, and there are a number of options available for different usage scenarios. You can have a client operating as a server as well, or only as a client (ie just transmitting events, not processing them locally), or anything in between.

Version number 3.2
Operating systems Linux
Website Gizmo Daemon
File size


License type GPL
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