Download FreeNAS 9.10

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Version 9.10 of FreeNAS has been released. With this software, a computer included in the network can be used as ‘network attached storage’, so purely for storing data. Additional functionality can be added with the help of plugins. The whole is based on FreeBSD and provided with a clear web interface. More information about the possibilities of FreeNAS can be found at this page are being found. The main improvements made in this release can be found below:

The base OS version for FreeNAS 9.10 is now FreeBSD 10.3-RC3, bringing in a huge number of OS-related bug fixes, performance improvements and new features (new drivers, new CPU chipset support, USB 3.0, etc) and basic support for hosting virtual machines with bhyve.

Directory Services:
You can now connect to large AD domains with cache disabled.

Add the ability to send collected data to a remote graphite server.

Hardware Support:

  • Added Support for Intel I219-V & I219-LM Gigabit Ethernet Chipset
  • Added Support for Intel Skylake architecture
  • Improved support for USB devices (like network adapters)
  • USB 3.0 devices now supported.

File sharing:

  • Samba (SMB filesharing) updated from version 4.1 to 4.3.4
  • Added GUI feature to allow nfsv3-like ownership when using nfsv4
  • Various bug fixes related to FreeBSD 10. For more in-depth information, see the ChangeLog file.

FreeBSD ports updated to follow the FreeBSD 2016Q1 branch.

FreeBSD Jails now default to a FreeBSD 10.3-RC2 based template. Old jails, or systems on which jails have been installed, will still default to the previous FreeBSD 9.3 based template. Only those machines using jails for the first time (or deleting and recreating their jails dataset) will use the new template.

In the upcoming 10 release, the CLI will offer full support for managing virtual machines and containers. Until then, the iohyve command is bundled as a stop-gap solution to provide basic VM management support – see this for more information.

Nightlies branch now gets you FreeNAS-9.10-Nightlies
This release, and all future updates to it, are on the FreeNAS-9.10-STABLE train.

Version number 9.10
Release status Final
Operating systems BSD
Website iXsystems, Inc.,
License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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