Download Mp3tag 2.74

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Florian Heidenreich has released version 2.74 of Mp3tag. With this program, the meta tags of the most common music formats can be modified. Support is provided for ID3v1, ID3v2.3, ID3v2.4, mp4, wma, Vorbis comments and Ape tags. Furthermore, the file names can be modified on the basis of those tags and playlists can be generated. The following changes and improvements have been made in this release:


  • Added support for %podcastkeywords% which is mapped from ID3v2 frame TKWD and MP4 atom keyw.
  • Added advanced configuration option for setting the ID3v2 language code used for comments.
  • Added support for HTTPS for web sources framework.


  • MP4 lyrics are now stored with carriage-return and line-feed as newline sequence.
  • Directory list in tag panel now always shows trailing backslash for directories.
  • Discogs OAuth authentication and default web source now uses HTTPS.
  • Changed to use SHA-2 when digitally signing the installer and the program executable.


  • Startup in favorite directory resulted in starting in program directory if favorite directory was configured without trailing backslash at ‘Options > Directories’
  • Runtime error when using very long field names in converter dialogs.


  • Added Farsi language file and updated Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, French, Hebrew, Italian and Slovak language files.

Version number 2.74
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website Mp3tag
File size


License type Freeware
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