Dropbox releases beta of note-taking software

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Dropbox has released a first version of Notes. This is note-taking software that makes it possible, among other things, to work on texts together. For the time being, this is a beta for which an invitation is necessary.

Anyone interested in Notes can register at the corresponding url. Dropbox will then give access to the note-taking software, but it is still unclear whether everyone will be immediately admitted to the beta. Because Dropbox has not made an announcement, it is also unclear when the final version of the software will be released.

Notes, like the Carousel photo application, is integrated with Dropbox’s cloud storage service. Among other things, it is possible to collaborate on notes. Dropbox has released an image showing what that looks like inside a note. It seems that the note-taking software is mainly intended for use by companies.

It was already known that Dropbox would come with a notes application. Earlier this month, it turned out that the company had put a web page online under the name Project Composer. Notes probably emerged from the acquisition of HackPad, a company that was working on similar software.

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