Google Cardboard variants get qr code for correct settings

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Google wants to make all apps for VR glasses based on Cardboard work properly by asking VR kit designers standard things like focal length, the length between both lenses and input method. This information must be on the housing of the VR glasses with a QR code.

Thanks to that QR code, users automatically get the correct settings of the VR glasses for apps, so that all apps always work well with the cardboard VR glasses. That scanning is done in Google’s Cardboard app.

To make sure it doesn’t get in the way of new builders of its own viewers when it comes to design, the internet giant has also created a site with design guidelines: from cutting with scissors to laser cutters. Google has also overhauled the SDK for Android and Unity for the Cardboard project.

The software for VR glasses is an open source project from Google to make virtual reality more accessible to everyone. With the ‘Works with Google Cardboard’ campaign, the company wants to ensure that all apps designed for Cardboard work well with any VR headset. Google first handed out the original Cardboard at its Google I/O developer conference last year. In addition to the original Cardboard, many variants of the VR glasses have now appeared, which are compatible with the apps for Google Cardboard.

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