Central government and Telfort sites were flat on Tuesday due to Ddos attack

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The major disruption on Tuesday at various sites, including those of the national government, provider Telfort and weblog GeenStijl, occurred as a result of a DDO attack. That has been announced by the government. All sites that were down, purchased services from hoster Prolocation.

In the short statement, the central government does not say anything about who was behind the Ddos attack or where the attack came from. The Ministry of General Affairs will investigate the attack together with Prolocation and the NCSC.

The statement does not explain why some Prolocation customers were down and others were not. Prolocation does both hosting and network connectivity and because GeenStijl, which was down, only decreases connectivity, it is obvious that the ddos ​​attack has targeted that branch of Prolocation.

The DDOs attack started at 10 a.m. on Tuesday morning and was resolved by the evening. It is unknown whether Prolocation will take measures to prevent another outage if there is another ddos ​​attack.

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