Huawei ships 24 million smartphones in three months

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Huawei delivered almost 24 million smartphones in the last months of 2014, an increase of almost 50 percent compared to the same period in 2013. This makes Huawei probably the biggest climber among the major smartphone manufacturers.

Reaching nearly 24 million smartphones, the number of smartphones that Huawei has shipped has grown by nearly 50 percent. In the same period of 2013, Huawei shipped 16 million smartphones.

This means that the Chinese manufacturer is still on the rise in the smartphone market. The figures probably also include deliveries from Honor, the subsidiary of Huawei that sells devices online. Huawei’s market share has been fluctuating between 5 and 7 percent for some time.

It is obvious that Huawei will strengthen its third place in the smartphone market, but before that we have to wait for other quarterly figures. Apple and Samsung will come out as the biggest two, with deliveries estimated at around 65 and 75 million units. Lenovo, which acquired Motorola, is Huawei’s closest competitor for third place behind Apple and Samsung, along with Xiaomi.

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