Apple, Google, Intel and Adobe settle again in personnel lawsuit

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Four tech giants have settled again in a case over hiring each other’s staff. The companies had agreed not to ‘steal’ staff from each other. An earlier settlement was brushed aside by the judge.

With the new settlement, the class action lawsuit brought by 64,000 angry tech workers may be over after four years, Reuters reports. It is not known how much the companies are putting on the table for the settlement, but earlier the judge said that the total value with the settlement should be at least $ 380 million – 322 million euros.

Apple, Adobe, Google and Intel also settled the lawsuit last April, but that settlement was brushed aside by the court in August after one of the 64,000 plaintiffs objected. The earlier settlement amounted to 325 million dollars, converted to 275 million euros. The plaintiffs believe that they have lost wages due to the agreements between the tech companies.

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