Sony threatens to sue Twitter over company data disclosure

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Sony has threatened to sue Twitter if the latter continues to refuse to delete user accounts that distribute company data. After the recent hacking by hackers, Sony is trying to limit the damage caused by the theft.

E-mails received by Vice Motherboard indicate that Sony is threatening legal action if Twitter does not close user accounts that distribute company data. This mainly concerns internal e-mails from Sony that were stolen by the hacker collective GOP. A Sony attorney stated that “if stolen data continues to be distributed via Twitter, then Twitter will be held responsible for any loss Sony suffers as a result.” For now, Twitter does not appear to have deleted any tweets or shut down users from its site. The company behind the social network has not yet responded to the reports.

Vice Motherboard also got hold of an email that is forwarded to a Twitter user. It threatened legal action because the affected user published parts of internal emails stolen in the recent hack in a tweet. Sony is said to have asked Twitter to forward the message to other users.

At the end of November, Sony was faced with a digital break-in in which company data such as internal communications and video content and scripts were stolen. The United States has identified North Korea as the perpetrator, but the government of the Stalinist country denies. Sony has been trying to prevent the spread of the stolen information for some time now.

The hackers are demanding that Sony not release a recently produced film called The Interview. Initially, Sony seemed to give in, but the company announced on Tuesday that The Interview will premiere on Christmas Day after all. The video is also offered via streaming. In the film, North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is the victim of an attack.

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