Sony shows completely redesigned PlayStation 5 user interface

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Sony has given a first look at the user interface of the PlayStation 5. The interface has been rebuilt from the ground up and optimized for 4k screens, with support for HDR.

Sony offers, among other things, a first look at the home screen of the PS5 user interface, which users see when they start their PS5 and when they want to start or download a new game. If they select a game here, they can play it or see clips, progression and dlc in Activities. PS4 games that are compatible will also get “some features” that the new homescreen offers, Sony said.

Also part of the home screen is Explore, where users can find news from Sony and the games they are following. Initially, only US users will get this feature. The PlayStation Store is fully integrated with the PS5 and no longer a separate app, which should benefit the start time and scrolling through items, among other things.

If they want to game, players can pick up where they left off and do so through the Control Center. A player can always invoke this taskbar from the controller without leaving the game, thus gaining access to key functions such as microphone and controller settings and a look at which of their friends is online.

The Control Center also provides a card-based interface for game options. For example, there are cards to view news about the game and screenshots taken. The Activities are also based on these cards. Sony shows, among other things, how Activities can give an indication of how long a player still needs to achieve certain goals in games and there are tips for game elements, including video. Furthermore, Sony shows how to start voice chats from games and how friends can share their screen, after which the player can see that shared screen picture-in-picture.

Microsoft made the Xbox 2020 October Update with a new interface available for Xbox One consoles on Thursday, and this interface is also coming to the Xbox Series X. According to Microsoft, the new interface is faster and uses 40 percent less ram.

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