Download Cyberduck 3.0.3

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Cyberduck is an ftp, sftp, webdav and s3client for Mac OS X 10.4 and later, which is released under the gpl license. The program has a clear interface and supports various techniques such as Spotlight, Bonjour, Keychain, Applescript and Growl. In addition, you can use several pre-installed text editors including bbedit, textwrangler, textmate, mi, smultron and cssedit. The developer of Cyberduck has released a new version and has provided it with 3.0.3 as the version number. The corresponding list of changes looks like this:

Version 3.0.3:

  • [Bugfix] Arbitrary Crashes [#2142]
  • [Bugfix] Symbolic links not parsed properly for some STAT listings (FTP) [#2435]
  • [Bugfix] Open Web URL fails [#2466]

Version number 3.0.3
Release status Final
Operating systems macOS
Website Cyber ​​duck
License type GPL
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