Yahoo will soon change name to Altaba

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Yahoo will soon change its name to Altaba. Altaba will be an investment company with shares in the Chinese company Alibaba and Yahoo Japan, among others. Verizon buys the rest of Yahoo, including Internet services.

The name Altaba is in a government document filed by Yahoo. This also shows that a large part of the management will leave when the takeover is complete. These include David Filo, who co-founded Yahoo with Jerry Yang, and current director Marissa Mayer. There will be a new management of five people.

It is unknown what the name Altaba refers to. The company will only function as an investor in other companies and will no longer offer its own services. All Yahoo’s business goes to Verizon. Verizon and Yahoo reached an agreement on an acquisition last summer. It is unknown whether Verizon will offer services under the Yahoo brand name.

Since the takeover, the internet company has only made the headlines with a hack from 2012, which affected more than a billion accounts.

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