“Many developers want to integrate Google+ into mobile apps”

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Nearly three-quarters of developers who create mobile apps with social elements want to integrate Google+ into the application. The willingness to start using Google+ is striking because the company hasn’t even released an API yet.

Most developers want to integrate Facebook, turns out from a survey of 2,000 Appcelerator developers. About five in six want to build Facebook into their own app. Twitter follows with 73 percent, while the newly launched Google+ has the interest of 72 percent of respondents. The survey was conducted by research agency IDC.

Developers still prefer to make apps for the iPhone: 91 percent see the most in the Apple smartphone. The iPad follows at 88 percent, while Android phones are just behind at 87 percent. Android tablets have the interest of 74 percent of developers. Two-thirds of developers would like to develop in HTML5. Other platforms such as Windows Phone 7 (30 percent), BlackBerry OS (28 percent) and Symbian (7 percent) attract much less attention from developers.

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