20 GOTO 10: Polish garage still works with Commodore 64

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If it’s not really broken, why replace it? And so a garage in the Polish city of Gdansk has been working with the same computer, a Commodore 64, for 25 years. The garage owner uses it to balance drive shafts with self-programmed software.

Some old hardware may look like it was just bought last week, but other old hardware looks like it has survived a flood. The second applies to the Commodore 64 that uses the unnamed garage in Gdansk. For example, the device has withstood a leak and birds have relieved themselves on the computer from the 1980s.

A member of the Polish Facebook group Retrokamp/Loaderror posted a photo of the C64 in January, but as it was in Polish it didn’t really catch on internationally. Until the Poles quoted the post again, when suddenly Commodore picked up the photo and placed it on its own page.

Not all hardware in the garage is that old. The photo shows a bright orange phone next to the Commodore, which is significantly newer. It is unknown if and when the garage owner wants to renew the hardware. Presumably, the software he or she is running is not or only poorly available on newer platforms.

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